Accounting Tech “Influencer” Sends Super-Secret Launch Invite, Immediately Posts It on LinkedIn

In the biggest secret since “Who writes Not Enough Bread,” this latest development in accounting tech invites us into a world where secrecy lasts about as long as a free trial before automatic billing kicks in.

The world of accounting technology is often a cutthroat arena of innovation, regulation, and people who really, really want you to know they’re speaking at yet another conference. But nothing quite prepared us for the exclusive, eyes-only, do-not-share invite we received this week from an industry influencer.

We won’t name names, because honestly, he did a fine job naming himself when he posted his extremely confidential product launch invite publicly on LinkedIn one day later. That’s right—despite the explicit instructions to keep it hush-hush, the siren call of likes, comments, and reposts proved irresistible. And so, in the spirit of honoring what we think he actually wanted, we’re doing the only logical thing: sharing it too…

Only joking we wouldn’t do that. 

The Mysterious Product Launch

While while we could, but wont tell you what the product is, we are sure you’ll be upset that it’s not one of the following:

  1. A revolutionary AI-powered bookkeeping tool that promises to automate everything except your mounting existential dread.
  2. An NFT-powered accounting ledger, because nothing says “future of finance” like adding blockchain to expense reports.
  3. A new subscription service that bills you monthly for thinking about upgrading to a paid tier.

Regardless, we’ll be there with our bingo card, looking for phrases like “game-changer,” “synergy,” and something fluffy about “simplifying workflows.”

What We’ve Learned

  • Exclusivity lasts approximately 24 hours in accounting tech.
  • Annoyingly the product and launch party looks really good and we are actually excited about it.
  • If an industry influencer tells you not to share something, it means they really want you to share it—but they want plausible deniability.
  • We have some shame. If you send us secret links, we will probably write about it. Unless you really really really don’t want us to.

So keep an eye out on your inboxes because event season is coming, and prepare to hear about how this and many other products will “revolutionize the industry”

Have you ever been given an ‘exclusive’ invite only to see it plastered all over social media the next day? Let us know in the comments!

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